# Audit and Climate Change: A Guide for Auditors on the New Amd 1:2024 of ISO 9001
## Introduction
In recent years, climate change issues have gained increasing attention within business management practices. This has led to significant updates in regulations, as evidenced by the recent amendments to ISO 9001. This article serves as a guide for auditors intending to address the modified requirements related to climate change, emphasizing the importance of an impartial and objective assessment during the audit process.
## Context of the Changes to ISO 9001 Requirements
ISO 9001 has undergone significant changes aimed at integrating climate change-related considerations. These changes are publicly available and require auditors to take them into account in their audits, whether they are first, second, or third-party audits. It is essential to note that, for third-party certification, specific transition programs are not required, simplifying the process of adapting to the new directives.
## Climate Change in the Context of ISO 9001
The amendments stipulate that organizations must consider the relationships between climate change and their Quality Management System (QMS). Auditors are called upon to pose specific questions regarding the impact of climate-related issues on various aspects of the QMS. The relevance of these issues varies depending on the sector, territory, and products or services offered.
### Relevant Issues to Consider
During audits, it is useful for auditors to evaluate whether the organization has identified climate change as a relevant issue. Some points to explore include:
– Changes to legal requirements, such as restrictions on the use of materials;
– Impacts on products and services due to the need to reduce energy consumption;
– The organization’s vulnerability to extreme events such as floods and fires;
– Supply chain control in relation to climate issues;
These considerations are merely a starting point and should be adapted to the specific needs of the organization and the sector in which it operates.
## Addressing Relevant Issues
If an organization identifies issues related to climate change, there are key steps that must be followed. It is crucial for organizations to examine operational needs, resource management, and performance assessments to adequately address climate issues. Auditors should ask questions related to:
– The integration of climate change-related aspects into operations;
– Measures taken to improve performance concerning customer requirements;
– The acquisition of specific knowledge regarding climate challenges.
## Review of Specific Concerns
It has emerged that the information provided by organizations about their climate change-related products and services is of crucial importance. Auditors must pay special attention to:
– Methodologies for monitoring and measuring business performance related to climate change;
– Verification of the reliability of communicated information.
## Summary and Conclusions
Climate change is and will increasingly be a vital theme within quality management. It is essential that auditors seek evidence demonstrating how organizations have addressed and integrated climate issues into their QMS. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, claims regarding products and services, and the impact of legislative changes are just a few of the areas that require heightened attention.
## Examples of Questions to Explore During the Audit
### ISO 9001 Requirement 4.1: Understanding the Organization and its Context
The modification introduced requires organizations to determine whether climate change is a relevant issue. Auditors may explore elements such as:
– Changes to legal requirements;
– Impacts on products and services such as the need to reduce environmental impact;