**Impact Image**: An image depicting an ongoing construction project, with an illustration of digitized BIM schemes and various devices displaying an intuitive user interface. At the top, a banner with the text: “Stay updated on the new BIM regulations!”
### Evolution of BIM: From UNI EN 17412-1:2021 to UNI EN ISO 7817-1
In recent years, the construction industry has undergone a radical transformation, thanks to the adoption of advanced technologies and digitalization. A fundamental pillar in this context is Building Information Modeling (BIM), which allows for efficient and collaborative management and coordination of project-related information. However, to keep pace with the rapid changes in the sector, it is essential to stay updated on current regulations.
Recently, UNI EN 17412-1:2021 underwent a significant revision, culminating in its replacement by UNI EN ISO 7817-1. This new standard represents a significant step toward global standardization of BIM, enabling improved information management throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project.
#### The Previous Regulation: UNI EN 17412-1:2021
UNI EN 17412-1:2021 provided a crucial methodological foundation for understanding and defining information needs within BIM. This standard specified the concepts and principles necessary to ensure that the information exchanged among the various actors involved in the lifecycle of a construction project was coherent and of high quality. This included all phases, from initial planning to maintenance and, ultimately, decommissioning of the structure.
However, with the expansion of BIM use and the emerging needs of the market, it became clear that regulatory updates were necessary to address new challenges and opportunities. This led to the creation of UNI EN ISO 7817-1, which introduces improved concepts and standards to further facilitate the implementation of BIM.
#### The New Regulation: UNI EN ISO 7817-1
UNI EN ISO 7817-1 emerged as part of a broader regulatory project aimed at simplifying and enhancing practices in the world of BIM at a global level. Currently, only Part 1 of the standard has been published, while Parts 2 and 3 are in development. These future sections will focus on technical guidelines and schemes aimed at facilitating the use of software and automated workflows.
The most significant changes compared to the previous regulation include:
1. **Terminological Alignment**: Terms and definitions have been updated to reflect a more global understanding of BIM, surpassing European boundaries.
2. **Introduction of New Concepts**: The new standard introduces terms such as “information provider” and “information recipient.” This results in greater clarity regarding the role of each participant in the information process.
3. **Clarity in Regulatory Relationships**: Informational annexes have been restructured to enhance understanding and interrelation among various ISO standards.
4. **Updated Bibliography**: The new standard includes a reference to UNI EN ISO 19650-4, which provides further details on information management practices.
#### Learning from the Changes: Practical Relevance of UNI EN ISO 7817-1
For professionals currently working on projects compliant with the old standard, it is crucial to update references to the new UNI EN ISO 7817-1. Although regulations may seem complex, the continuity of content between the two versions means that the update will not incur significant operational costs.
The transition from UNI EN 17412-1:2021 to UNI EN ISO 7817-1 thus represents a notable advancement in the international standardization of BIM. By implementing the new guidelines, one can expect improvements in the quality and consistency of shared information, thus contributing to more effective management of construction projects.