**”ISO and Sustainability: New Standards to Combat Climate Change and Innovate for the Future”**

**"ISO e Sostenibilità: Nuovi Standard per Combattere il Cambiamento Climatico e Innovare nel Futuro"**

# New Perspectives on ISO Standards: A Step Forward in the Fight Against Climate Change

Recently, the international community has witnessed a significant update to ISO standards, particularly regarding ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. This change represents an important evolution in the approach to managing environmental factors, with particular attention to climate change. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has introduced two amendments that require organizations to seriously consider the impacts of climate change within their management systems.

### A Sustainable Commitment

These amendments align with the broader goal outlined by ISO through the London Declaration, which expresses a strong and clear commitment to contributing to the global climate agenda by 2050. This bold step acknowledges the crucial importance of a systemic and integrated approach to managing climate change at a time when the environmental crisis has become one of the major challenges of our time.

### Core Requirements of ISO Certifications

The changes made to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards aim to ensure that organizations adopt effective strategies to address climate change. Specifically, the amendment to section 4.1 of both standards requires organizations to “determine how relevant climate change-related factors may be.” This calls for a proactive and strategic approach to assessing the risks and opportunities associated with environmental changes.

Additionally, section 4.2 introduces a significant note: “Relevant interested parties may have climate change-related needs.” This highlights the importance of engaging stakeholders and the necessity of understanding their needs to create constructive dialogue and useful information that supports informed decisions.

### Implications for Organizations

For companies already possessing a certified management system, adapting to the new requirements will be essential. It will be necessary to integrate climate change considerations into the analysis of the organizational context and the dynamics with various stakeholders. In this way, there will be an opportunity to consider how climate change may influence not only the organization itself but also the entire ecosystem of stakeholders.

The key to effectively implementing these amendments lies in understanding the interaction between climate change management and the overall effectiveness of the management system. Companies will thus need not only to recognize climate factors but also to evaluate their impact in terms of risk and opportunities to adapt their strategies and operations.

### A Paradigm Shift

The introduction of these amendments can be seen as a clear signal from ISO regarding the growing importance of environmental issues within management systems. Organizations that adapt to these changes may indeed experience an improvement in their ability to address and mitigate risks associated with climate change, thanks to more advanced tools for risk assessment and management.

In a context of increasing attention towards sustainability, companies can develop more effective strategies to tackle environmental challenges. This will not only reduce environmental impact but also seize economic opportunities related to sustainable innovation.

### Growth of Environmental Certifications

The growing focus on environmental issues is also reflected in the numbers of active ISO certifications. Between 2021 and 2022, a growth rate exceeding 10% was recorded for all major certifications, including quality, environmental, and safety management systems. In particular, the number of certificates related to ISO 14001 environmental management systems showed an 18% increase, underscoring the evident market interest in sustainable business practices.

### Towards a Sustainable Future

The path outlined by the amendments to ISO standards represents an opportunity for organizations to …

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