# Managing Innovation in a VUCA World: A Guide to ISO 56002
We live in an era characterized by rapid change and instability, prompting organizations to rethink their operational methods. This context, encapsulated by the acronym VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), tests the management capabilities of companies across all sectors. In this scenario, the need arises to ask: how can we manage our organizations in an agile and innovative way?
A reliable answer comes from the ISO 56002:2019 standard, known as “Innovation Management – Innovation Management System – Guidance.” This standard, which came into effect on November 7, 2019, in Italy, represents the first international standard dedicated to innovation management. It offers essential guidelines for organizations wishing to adopt innovative strategies in a continuously evolving context.
## Innovation in the VUCA Era: An Imperative
In such a dynamic environment, innovation is no longer an option but a necessity. ISO 56002 serves as a valuable support for guiding companies along the path of systematic innovation. It encourages organizations not to limit themselves to solving isolated problems but to develop a comprehensive approach that embraces innovation in all its forms.
A crucial aspect of the document is the systematic approach it proposes. It does not focus only on the ideas of a single individual; rather, it draws upon the collective knowledge and experiences of experts from around the world. This is the principle of Open Innovation, which emphasizes the importance of collaboration and openness to external contributions.
## Structure of ISO 56000
ISO 56002 is part of a broader series of standards called ISO 56000, which address various aspects of innovation management. Within the ISO/TC 279 technical committee, the standard is supported by four working groups, each specialized in different areas of innovation:
1. **WG1: Innovation Management Systems**
2. **WG2: Terminology, Terms, and Definitions**
3. **WG3: Tools and Methods**
4. **WG4: Innovation Management Assessment**
The series already includes several published standards, such as:
– **ISO 56000:2020** – Innovation Fundamentals and Vocabulary
– **ISO 56002:2019** – Innovation Management System
– **ISO 56003:2019** – Tools and Methods for Innovation Partnerships
– **ISO/TR 56004:2019** – Innovation Management Assessment
Moreover, other standards are under development, including guidelines on intellectual property management and strategic innovation management.
## Practical Application of ISO 56002
It is understandable that ISO 56002 may seem complex for some organizations. However, its guidelines provide a solid reference for those who wish to embark on a genuine innovation journey. The application of this standard requires professional skills capable of translating the theoretical approach into concrete and measurable practices.
Businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), should seize the opportunities offered by ISO 56002 to rethink their processes and achieve a more sustainable and innovative future. The standard urges companies to overcome the current stagnation, exacerbated by the recent global crisis, to reactivate industrial dynamics.
## Community and Innovation
Another key point of ISO 56002 is the importance of knowledge sharing. Organizations must essentially look beyond their walls and engage in cooperation with other entities, creating synergies that can lead to innovative results never seen before. This collaborative approach not only enriches the innovation process but also helps strengthen the resilience of the entire business ecosystem.
## Opportunities for Innovation and Renewal
Innovation is a fundamental factor for recovery and economic revival.