“UNI/PdR 164:2024 and the Importance of Accessible Advertising for Everyone”

"UNI/PdR 164:2024 e l'Importanza della Pubblicità Accessibile per Tutti"

In recent years, the theme of inclusion has gained increasing relevance, and the new Reference Practice UNI/PdR 164:2024 represents a fundamental step in this area. This document aims to establish principles and guidelines for accessible advertising communication, aimed at meeting the needs of a wide range of people, from children to the elderly, including those with disabilities or who belong to different cultures. The practice is based on the principles of Universal Design, integrating innovative approaches to ensure inclusion and accessibility of advertising messages, regardless of the channel and device used.

The guidelines of UNI/PdR 164 apply to various forms of advertising, considering different contexts and formats. Emphasis is placed not only on the device used for consumption but also on the culture of the target audience. The approach includes the use of multimodal channels and languages, developing alternatives to traditional advertising communication methods.

One of the highlights of the new practice was illustrated by an industry expert, who emphasized the importance of this technical document, which offers concrete requirements and recommendations. This represents a significant advancement, distinguishing between Accessible by Design Advertising (ABDA) and Accessible Advertising (AA). In other words, UNI/PdR 164 provides a regulatory framework for the advertising and commercial communication sector, making it an important resource available to all actors involved.

This document addresses various aspects of accessibility in the advertising context, analyzing services such as subtitling, audio description, Italian sign language interpretation, easy language, and alternative augmentative communication. The distinctions between the different advertising categories are essential: “Accessible by Design Advertising” refers to content designed from the outset to be usable by everyone, while “Accessible Advertising” refers to the adaptation of existing content, carried out after production, to make it accessible.

Moreover, it has emerged that inclusion is not just an ethical duty but also an opportunity to improve relationships with the public. The ability to ensure access to information and advertising messages without barriers is deemed essential for a more inclusive society. Thoughtful accessible communication not only promotes equality but also facilitates more authentic and meaningful interactions with people, regardless of their diverse needs and skills.

Therefore, UNI/PdR 164:2024 offers a valuable tool to support organizations active in the media field, helping them reach an increasingly diverse audience and ensuring that each person can access content without limitations.

In an era where communication plays a central role in daily life, awareness of the importance of creating accessible messages becomes crucial. Organizations are encouraged to implement these guidelines and to consider the positive effect that accessible advertising can have on the entire community. It is not only about complying with norms and regulations but about contributing to profound cultural change, where every individual is able to participate actively and without discrimination.

In conclusion, we invite you to follow us on our social media profiles to stay updated on all news and initiatives related to inclusion and accessible advertising communication. The participation of everyone is essential to build a society where every voice is heard and every person can feel like an integral part of the world around them.

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